grabbing a bottle of tequila
it is finished
take the vodka
still drunk
blood slurring from left to right
in the pitch black flash a smile
pour a glass and praise god
pour a glass and praise life
open the door, careful, don’t slam it
they are asleep
let this moment be without them
the dark air fills lungs
breathe in
breathe out
go outside to the music
all the other like you are in their beds
let all these be the others
see them smile at you
they know who you really are
your real brotherhood
a moment of love in your heart
ahhhh a table
and a pen and paper
you know the words will be lost
you even leave them on the table
tomorrows trash
but let, for a moment, the words flow
praise god
praise life
praise alcohol
praise sin
praise the devil
praise yourself
worship the inadequacy of the words
worship the moment
another glass
was it rum not vodka
was it gin
it’s all the same
go back to
go back to life
let the moment disappear
never remembered
is life different for it having happened