anather (poetry)

and I am I am in my head
my head my head my head
I don’t know what I want
everyone to be as alone, lonely as me
everyone to be as alone as me
where is it that I belong
but maybe that isn’t the real world

do you pray
do you hope?
does this feel like the real life
is this it?
what happens
when we all go poof
and we realize, we never figured it out

killing ourselves
one wasted day at a time
one wasted heart beat at a time
isn’t there a key
nails broken
there is a real life
there is a real life
just a heart beat away
can we find it

I’m there for you
even if you aren’t there for me
I want to be in your head
just to know
if we are all alone together

sometimes some days are easy
they’re the lies
we don’t discover ourselves when it’s easy
so, let things be hard
but the hard thing about hard things
is they are hard

let me add beauty to every moment
let me be better for every moment
let me be better for you
instead of worse

I’m sorry
I’m going to go off the deep end
let’s agree not to call it madness
remember that I smile
and I hope I make some smiles
but I think the right thing to do
is go off the deep end
because it’s off the deep end
in the darkness
where I will find the flower
the flower that grows in the dark
in the dark the dark
the dark the dark
the dark the dark
that is my most pure light

could we just shut up for a second
hold each other tight
not think about thinking
god is closer than the search
I want to be the person who gives you light
as I search in the dark
there is something other than this
I never know if I will find it
I would ask that you don’t follow me
your own searches are more important
but I am going to keep on searching

being and that be the opposite of not being
here for a moment
tree grows, blooms, has seasons, grows, decays
could be cut down, but, usually not
what’s the tree be
what’s the tree do
why’s a tree got to be anything

fuckingod (poetry)

up left sideways in/out
whassa the difference
youse what what what
nevaz ask whys, who cares
where’s we alls break
where’s we alls break
where’s we alls break
highas lowas breaks yourself
shatter shatta
bes on the edge
wheres do you break
wheres you break
is where’s you be

shadda shadda shadow shatter
youse be use be us be whose
wheres the heart if there aint no nerves there
prays and praya
god aint dead
he’s just be lost lost
we’d go and find him, yeah?
where be god in your heart?
I can’ts hear him
but I know’s he’s there

scared afread
lesbe the fear makers
less break this shit down
there be no god but the god and whose be the god
and, how we’d make him
you pray to me I pray to youse
god be here if he’s here he can’t be no where else
or maybes everywhere
where be the heart
where be the mind
not where the heart IS
throws the mind out
throws the MIND OUT
we’d gonnas find the god

prey pray praise paid
I dunno never knew
who the fuck woulds
you know
you know
asks me
ethereal I’s be, aint no’s dreama
just a, a not enough
a not nothing but I aint aint
so so so so so
let’s not be’s ourself
let’s fall through the cracks
what’s you scared of
let’s go play with it
let’s go love it, fuck it, kiss it,
be it be it be it be it
hows we fight the night if we’d don’t be the night
hew’s we be we be and we start with a scream
end with a laugh
wanna be in love, devil
I like your singing voice

whesbe the devil
cept where we gotta search
the truth be in the devil
cus there aint no light there
and we searched in the easy
didn’t even find no keys
so whys be the evil the evil and the good the good
whys be we’s be hatin ourselves
all the ding dang time
when I tell’s you I don’t be bad
I at least don’t trys to be bad
I wanna be the good guy
but then I dont’s and I don’t gets it I don’t
so be the devil maybe gotta be the same?
who said bad/good evil love I says I dunno
you’s look at me and tell’s me you’re good good
I don’t I don’t
pray pray
prey prey
pray pray
hope dawk
no not nope hard fight live loaf
whe’s where why’s why
free Willy
oh can’t we breaks
and then be
cus this shit aint be real

we aint gettin there
we aint touchin it
we be xplorin and not findin
that be okay okay
but where be the key the key the key
this be it
out out brief candle
don’ts you tell me I disappears before I get to see see
don’t you tell me that it be beyond
we’s find it
or is it I
or is it we
or is it I
whose knows
gods in a fortune cookie, whose be the one that opened it
did they knows?
whose knows what they knows
I’s or We’s, noes difference, we aints be there
We aint got it
Aint got it
Aint got it aints got it

fuck the fuck the fuck
fucksyousandfucks me
trying not to swear, you know
but gahta gahta gahta scream at the sky
gahta break free
breaks mes

My current plan isn’t working. What does it mean to make a new plan?

brain broket
hart empty
one last try
i don’t get there
there aint be an answer
there still be a god
in this flowa
and that smile
and that blue blue blue day
he’s maybe not give no shit no shit
buts we be gods too, right
we’d be gods
we’d not be betta or worse
we’s be ready to worship
nots by we’s changin
but by we’s bein true strong
the reals true strong
and say
we’s be ready to love

needles (poetry)

fall down fall up
fall side to side
we’re always this new version of ourselves
a spinning top
fighting all the fighting all the
and we all fall down

Abu Ghraib, saints, god, the devil, the motherfucking devil
portions of love and hatred and wonder and fear and the motherfucking devil
amazing grace, you are, you are
rise up and sign
rise up and pray
needles in my arm
needles in my head
fly float
float away
into the clouds, into the wonder
leave the devil
leave self
leave the waking mind
for dreams, even if the dreams don’t come
when the dreams don’t come
woe is warm
still can smile
can’t you see there is no heart?
but where is the heart?
who is this vessal?
not dead not alive not satan not god
not a thing
not even empty
woe is woe
is wonder is god
is the devil is home
is wonder is wander is fear
the fear the night what is nightime
god was in the air
but how to touch it


leave it? that would be stupid. What other worlds are there?
Why would it be any easier
Any less magical
And less terrible
God is in the air
Let me breath, let me gasp, let’s try, let me try
oh shit oh lord oh god oh my oh my
why does one plus one equal two?
why not three
why should a man know his own mind?
what truth is there in the entire world
except that god is in the air
slip slide fall bump your head
let the let the let the let the let the let the let the let the

hi there hi there hi there hi there
dreamer, you dreaming
is this what a dream looks like
is this what a dream feels like
yeehaw yippee
yipee feels good
why doesn’t the world have more yipyipyipee
can’t everyone give each other a hand
can’t everyone float together
can’t we make heaven
this isn’t heaven, but maybe, what if, could it be bliss
not this gentle hiss
living a nightmare
living the gloam
pull the needle out
weakness for the weak
we’re all weak
except for how we deal with it

hurt hurt hurt hurt
love what you hurt
hurt what you love
dive down dive up
go below your skin
to where god doesn’t touch
meaty flesh, just an animal
not even a sinner
no dreams here
what if you could cut yourself without cutting
would the blood be blue
blue blood royalty
call ourselves god
there is no truth there
just madness
no dream there
just madness

amazing grace, you are, you are
for all the rage and sadness
love and sorrow
truth and its opposite
amazing grace,
you are
you are

whoever said gravity is real?
do you see it, do you feel it
who is to say if you jump
you can’t hit the stars
who is to say
that if we can just find the right dream
the angel dream
the real dream
the magic dream
even if we aren’t dreamers
even if we don’t know we are supposed to dream
that we couldn’t fall fall fall

Om (poetry)

Hands shaking
I say to my hands be still
And they keep shaking
I say to my mind
And my heart
Be still
And yet

Looking forever for the lightning bolt
Oh I pray to see it
Oh to illuminate this dark beauty
I never look perfectly up
Into heaven
And see that the lightning bolt is here
Forever striking right on my head
God is here in the light
Just as he is here in the dark
And I pray
And I pray

And I said to you
Do not fear the turmoil
Hearts are not things man was made to understand
Instead lift your hands to the sky
Look up at that blue
Feel the lightning
And I ask you to say anything
Except that god is good

The flat ground clapping your feet
Sprint run fly grace god prayer magic peace
I see the peace
I know there is god
I understand
I understand

Let me fly
Let me dream
Let me scream
But not the dark scream
The light scream
The magic scream
God is in the air
Take the light and make it dark
Take the dark and make it light
I don’t ask to know the truth

Through this dark veil
I see enough of the shapes
To call them monsters
But if the veil was lifted
And the blue sky fell on everyone
Perhaps those devils
Could be called angels

The time passes
The time is passed
Oh float and still be
Remember the flavour of the magic
And even as it disappears
Remember that it is your choice for it to disappear
The aether is here
Feel it
Do not be frightened, father
Do not be frightened, child
Know that you swim in magic
And that it is here, so much
As we breathe it,
We cannot forget
Let the lightning keep striking
Let the blue sky be forever over head
Let prayer fill your mind
Prayer like this
I will be neither good nor evil
I will be neither past nor present
Happy or unhappy
All I will be, is be
One with eternity
An electron floating flying
An atom decaying and building
And all there is
In all this magic
Is the choice to look at the sky
And remember that it is blue

dream bigga (poetry)

yeah you
pretendin to big eyes
like your heads been exploded
like your dreams been bigger than you
let me tell you the wild
not what this is
mediocre melancholia
we’s be bigger than bullshit
do it all again right
imagine a different dream
if we’s was to be was again
what would be different
is we don’t look at the ground
we looks to the sky
even if we’s still walkin
these same old steps
dreama darlin wonder
wannabe love
wannabe dreama
oh shit
I nevas thought to be this me
you wanted to be you?
I don’t think so
but this is all that we are
this is all that we be
this is all we get to see
I love it
can you loves it
can you smile, for awhile, suckoutthe bile
lets dream bigger again
lets dream biggest again

holi (poetry)

yo yo
whose you yeah?
wander what
be be me
can’t you shakes your soul?
be you
looksinyoureyes and dream dreamed
heyo get off of your cloud
daydreames infinite
there usedtobe words heres
dreams dreamed yeah wander wonder
prays for you
yous prays for me
shakes it all out
dreams it all out
dreams it all out
dreams it all out

I remember waking up staring in your eyes when you were already awake and they were brown and didn’t blink and you had exams that day and you didn’t go and now you don’t exist where does that memory come from

body gettin old
mind getting stupid
pray pray
prey prey
it’s going to be all right
don’t say yesno or noyes
but lets dream and age and fade and prey
dunno don’t know
still dream
still be
still scream
still see

from the side of the road (poetry)

is a blessed life
a holy life
a type of life
just life
everyday life
everyday wonder
everyday bliss
everyday glory
what was it again
what was it again?
those things we dreamed about
they seemed to full of color
like a tropical bird
flitting in front of a sepia painting
things aren’t bad are they
which is also to say they aren’t good
if that is all the clarity mustered
wake the fuck up
can’t we wake up
where is the hope and dream and love and magic
was it ever there?
just some fever dream
memories just a mirage
this imperfect day
remembered imperfectly as perfect
go somewhere do something
do this
not that
this THIS
maybe that, if you like
it’s your life
don’t get stuck in molasses
give it a lick
and remember it is sweet

Jetpack Blues (short story)

                Dazzling green the soft farm land below. Jenn brings one of her winged gloves, brimming with buzzing sensors to her eyes to pull out the crust that was last night’s loving gift to the morning. She stops following the fast moving traffic to stare for a moment at this green gunk. Where does it come from, she wonders, what purpose does it have, she wonders.

                Instead of giving any big answers the universe shoves another in transit jet pack commuter in front of Jenn. Jenn stops looking at the gunk and frantically waves her hand in the STOP STOP pattern that should break her just before she hits this man… Good! Just in time Jenn stops and she feels a wry smile come to her face, a smile that used to grace her high school year book but one her coworkers have never sees. The idiot is on his cell phone shouting to a friend about yesterday’s 0-0 Manchester match. If this was something worth being killed for, at least one of the teams should have scored…

                Jenn knows she’s probably at fault, but the nonchalance of the football fan irritates her. She is still not sure that he has seen her, even now, now that if she wanted to she could grab the fellows gleaming brown shoe. She wishes she had chewing gum to put on his shoe, at least one day he’d be aware that Jenn had existed, even if she would never have a name

                Oh well, back to commuting. Jenn feels just the slightest tinge of regret that she’s lost the gunk from her eyes, she hadn’t finished examining it. Whatever, she thinks, let me get to work. She looks straight now, following the man since he still remained in her lane. Suddenly and from nowhere, Jenn gets back that wry smile: why wish something? Why not act? She takes a big stick of Juicy Fruit from her pocket and just munches on it. She can feel it getting to be just the right size, the right wetness, the maximum stickiness… she puts it on her finger and begins reaching it towards the man’s shoe. Her grin breaks into a full on smile, luminous, another sun brightening the ground flying by below her. She has just about put it on his shoe when her smile breaks, the second sun robbed from the world below and, if there had been music, it has abruptly stopped. She puts the gum into a piece of paper in her pocket, thinking something like ‘it’s stupid to do that’ but that’s not the full emotion. No, there is something closer to fear, but that’s not the right word either. What is for sure is that somewhere in history the little girl that Jenn was has the slightest shiver as she imagines who she might become.

                Walking through the sprawling lobby, hundreds of people bumping heads together as they chatter on cellphones while trying to make sure the iris scanners see them. There is this unholy buzz as loud megaphones tell employees to please hurry and please not litter and the masses indulge the artificial warmth of the voice by yelling ever louder into their cellphone. What in a picture would be assumed to have the quietness of a library, in reality rivals a rock concert.

                Some are like Jenn, not yelling into their phones, but they are the rarities. Don’t take these few as paragons of good manners in a screeching world, they are just lost in a different way. Jenn has her phone some three inches away from her eyes, with her head wildly careened upwards in an attempt to have one eye available for the scanner. She is playing “UFO Stadium Returns” where she is madly trying to use an entire cities anti aircraft batteries to knock out the giant stadium, which hold tight is actually a UFO at the center of the city. Jenn is awesome at this game, she currently has the highest score in her vicinity and there is a whisper in her ear piece that soon she’ll be on the next level soon she’ll be on the next level and new things will be on the next level and she will be the first to see them.

                Then, out of nowhere the heavy elbow of a tall, barrel chested man in an ill-fitting connects with the side of Jenn’s head and she goes down to the floor in a loving tribute to early ragtime physics engines.

                The loudspeaker adds to its litany of demands to “Not Step On The Young Women And Please Help Her” but everyone is so lost in their world, so used to ignoring the damned thing with its squawking that nobody bothers to help Jenn, nobody even really notices. Their feet just go unconsciously around her, not hurting her, not helping her, let this adult figure things out.

                With a bit of a daze Jenn sits up. Her head is spinning and for a reason she can’t really imagine she remembers the time that she ate an entire bowl of honey as a child. She was in her grandmother’s garden, brimming with flowers and colors and movement. Every leaf whispering secrets of adventure and wonder to a child that is more nymph than human. Spring stepping through ruby red tomatoes and emerald green leaves, she shadows two playing puppies as they amicably munch each others throats, Jenn’s animated shadow being a third player in the play fighting.

                Jenn hears a shout from Grandma to be of some help and she sprints over, lunging over a bush, flying over pebbles, breaking land speed records she is flying, flying like she has a jet pack. She sees her target approach, puts on a burst of speed and then, with a one footed leap like a miniature Russian ballerina she glides through the air, breaking the sound barrier, to come to a sudden and perfect stop directly in front of her Grandma.

                Grandma has that grin that only Grandma’s can have, that one that says I see your mischievousness, know that it’s a problem, but it’s not my problem today, today I just want to shower love on this little nymph. Grandma meets Jenn’s eyes with utmost seriousness, then whispers to her “I need your help for a very, very important task, a task that you can’t tell anyone else about. Can you do that for me?” Jenn meets Grandma’s eyes, the perfect green of her eyes a little miniature planet floating in a brimming universe. Grandma looks away for a second, muttering “I Don’t know, I don’t know…” which has Jenn break her silence and in a high voice close to euphoria or tears saying “Grandma I can do it, I won’t tell anyone, what is it, what is it?” Grandma stops her shuffling and pulls Jenn’s ear next to her old lips and the heat of her voice makes Jenn shiver with intensity. “Jennifer,” she loudly whispers, “I need you to move all the honey from this pot, which is Auntie Mary’s, and put it into this one, which can belong to just you and me. Now, if anyone else knows we have this honey, we will have to share, but if we can keep it a secret it will be just for you and me. Can you do that?” With solemn eyes Jenn nods her head up and down. The honey would be theirs, all theirs.

Jenn shakes her head, waking herself from her daydream. It has the feel of a color movie losing its lustre as a window opens, slowly bleaching the films colors into a sepia mess before the cold light of daytime takes away all the shapes. Jenn shakes her head again, as if to get the memory of the honey memory back. Instinct is a stronger force and sets her to standing up in the entry lobby, still some slow pokes meandering around Jenn on the ground. Her eye gets scanned and Jenn somehow finds herself at her desk.

Her computer is buzzing in front of her. She pores over satellite photos of the outside of a ruptured space station. She, and every other employee, will go over the same images, make unique judgement calls, then their calls will be put together and their consensus used in the insurance case that the owners of the space station had filed suit over. So far, she has logged over 1,000 hours on this case, yet she has only gone through ten percent of the total images.

As her waking mind looks at the screen, her unwaking mind fills her brain. The flash of memory from her childhood has shaken her. There was that feel of so many colours for a moment, is that the way things really used to be? Is that what she used to see and feel and smell? Is that something that she has lost?

Isn’t this life a good life? It hasn’t given her perfect happiness, which is another way of saying it hasn’t given her perfect unhappiness, which is a real way of saying that it has given her some amount of real happiness. Yet, what about the colours? When had she made the decision that the colours weren’t important anymore? When it the last time she went through a day and saw anything but the ever vibrant green of the over abundant nature, the red mud of the farmers paths, then the varying shimmering silver greys of the sterile high tech universe? What does violet look like anymore? What does it smell like? For a moment Jenn tries to imagine, yet, the only way she can imagine violet is a hexadecimal color swatch rather than some just bloomed flower, nibbled by an incandescent hummingbird. Where has violet gone? She wants it back. What happened, was it just some mirage of the past, an innocent imagining of childhood? Was it ever there? She wants to wake up! Or, maybe go to sleep.

Suddenly, Jenn stands up. Her waking mind suddenly finds itself melded to her unwaking mind, like two branches interlocking to hide the blinding sunlight and offer a quick chance for a moment of clarity. With a grace that reminisces of those ballerina bounds of her childhood Jenn abandons her desk. She races outside as a daemon, a lightning storm flashing in her mind providing an incredible amount of light into every corner of her mind but never with enough frequency to ever know what she is seeing. There is the feeling of a ball falling from the top of the slide, she’s not sure where it will go, she’s definitely sure she can’t stop it.

Jenn is outside now, likely the loudspeaker makes a note of her departure. She abandons her jetpack and goes out the service entrance. Soon, she is away from the sterile grays of modernity and finds herself under the heavy scent of nature. By herself on the ground, on a small path with many jetpack commuters as dots flying above her, she sits down on the ground. She rubs her hands in the dirt and it feels delicious and she smiles, smiles that big smile from before, the before before, the before was was and now remembers to become what she isn’t but should be. She takes the mud and rubs it on her face and it feels good too. She has started giggling, a mad women, she would be locked up if someone saw her, how dare an adult take the carefree nature of a child. She lays her head back and feels the ground below her, every little pebble, every poking strain of grass. She cranes her head back and looks at the big blue sky, that blue sky, so big she feels lost in it, so big that she feels like she is levitating. When she shuts her eyes again, so tightly, ­­so lost in the euphony of the real world around her, all she can see is violet.


Can I Ask You (poetry)

do you feel this hole?
void vacancy abyss missing, missing, missing a core a key a light
like your eyes are seeing too much
or maybe not seeing anything real
can we touch?
do you feel alone?

walking past each other
these big empty coats, they hide the real
don’t see each other
don’t see into each other
do we both wonder bigger?
dream about these walking shadows?

remembering that lil curve of a smile
your hair curly, eyes alive, lil curve of a smile
wanna let us be?
wanna buy into the dream?
I’ll give you a lil curve of a smile back
let’s say whatever
let’s say we’ll be together
waking up and fearing
waking up and wondering

What if we mess up?
What if we get hurt?
What if we fall in love?
My heart is phoney dark never turned on
What if I mess up?
What if I hurt you?
What if you fall in love?

you touch my skin I don’t feel lightning
you are sweet, you said it first
I didn’t believe it when you said it
I don’t mean it when I say it
Though, you are kinda sweet
maybe we should grow up
stop dreamin
start believin

that second of fire
anger scary, out of control
put water on the heat
here we turn into stone
cold, where did the fire go
who wants to be cold?
if only there was more than one life to live
maybe there aren’t so many dreams to dream
I would do things different

is there any any any one who really feels love
is there ANY one who really feels love?
what’s it like?
share with us blind the color of love
share with us deaf the song of passion
lovers know the truth
they see the flowers worth stopping for
what is love / what is love
is it the lightning bolt?
what’s it like to have someone else stare at you
deep in your eyes
what is it like to have another person hold you?
just do nothing but hold you?
does it feel like not being alone?
could anything be that good?

we should use the word love more often
not I love you, get in my bed
I love you
because, here we are
lost souls
not knowing that we’re all lost
all looking, screeching, searching, losing
we’re all lost
all feeling alone
even if we don’t know it
the world is more mysterious
more complicated
more enchanted
of course we’re lost
how else to respond
to the mystery of being alive
embrace being lost
love being lost
can I ask you
you you/you
let us be lost together?
maybe that is love
maybe that is love

onon (poetry)

the train is here
the train is here can I catch it can I catch it
don’t leave
that holiness in my mind just a moment ago
let me run sprint fly dream die go flow here i am just please don’t go
let me on
and I will fly
I will show you
what I can’t show myself
no mirror to show myself
can you / can you / can you listen or read or float
can you / can you listen to whatever it is
that comes out now and before
and tell me
who me is

lets start by singing softly
who am I today
who am I pray
who am I to say
that today is the day
we finally, escape this gray

but it’s not the truth
that this is my true mood
there is something in me
that I need to be
I hate it, you see
this devil in me

I’m gonna rise up and find
escape this grind
my innermost mind
it’s just a fucking lemon//
take away the pretty shit
what’s it like to be me?
can’t you see
that I have to live
with the fucking devil in me

fuck me, because that’s not true
just something to escape the blue
god is in my heart
I need shatter
I need to batter with a hammer no matter the clammer this bullshit manner that let’s me blather shit that don’t matter
fuck the rhymes
we can be honest, they’re not honest

there is something that needs to be said
today, this poem isn’t for you
it’s for me, just little me
grey bearded nash
isn’t that that that that that that guy?
I aint
I aint tell you I aint to be saying I’m something special
I aint the dirt on your shoe
I aint the guy you see here
Not the loud mouth fast talker
Not the shouter or the prayer or the guy who has an article for everything
I tell you I aint
Because what I know for sure
Is I aint that guy
Then who am I?

This is a repeat after me song, what is it?
I said! This is a repeat after me song, what is it?
Everywhere we go
Everywhere we go
People always ask us
Who we are
Then we tell them
We just don’t, really really don’t know
Who we are,
But we’re searching, maybe today (getting slower), maybe tomorrow
Maybe I saw it
Maybe I missed it

It’s all ok
I’m not bad, if, if you aren’t bad
I look for a truth
But you, yeah you, you can be my truth
We can escape and be, find glee, SEE
I’m there for you, if you’re there for me
To not not hide
Those people we really are
I know your secrets
I know everything
Because my secrets are your secrets
Let’s love our secrets
Let’s forgive ourselves
Fuck god, yeah, fuck you man, and, I love you, but fuck you
To say that you are perfection, and all we are is some pale imitation
I renounce my imperfection
I renounce the idea that I am perfect
I will rise and find and oh god try to not be god but be bigger than god
I am god, yeah, no, really, a trillion times a trillion atoms circling in universes around me to give me these fucking eyes to do nothing/nothing/nothing but see the world
god made the world, top hacker shit
but, I gaze with awe
we gaze with awe. Have I lost you already?
Is this stupid narcissim in my mind
That makes me wake up lonely every day
And every grin a bit of a cringe
As I wonder what broken shit I am,
To always be alone, full of gloam
Let us beat back god together
Let us be us
If you aren’t scared of me
I won’t be scared of you
Can we be each others mirror?
Do you want me to say I love you first?
Because it’s true, I love you. I love you.
I love my mom and dad // blue skys fighting rainy days
I love UBC/OLPC/SafeMotos/AlexiaJennNualaPeterDesiremybrothers/dreamers
I love the idea of loving
Is my love less because I love the world more
I love you
That doesn’t mean you need to say you love me

Rise and shine me
Rise and shine, feeling glee
Rise and shine and find that I’ve escaped for a moment the grind

I want this to end
But the truth hasn’t been written
I’m still on this train
But it’s not going to where I want it to go
How do I say that one thing I want to say
The words are there there there
How do I just say it
Let me throw myself off this train
And wait for me, I am about to go and be mad and shatter but no matter ignore the clatter here I am for a moment am I soaring tell me it’s not boring where are the words I am in the air for just this second I need to find them I can’t break free any more I can’t keep open this door oh please god I just want more I don’t want what you got in store not afraid of fire, afraid of just just just just just just just just just just just I don’t wanna dissappear
Fuck that I’m in the hall of my mind for just his second let me try all the doors let me find those things that I’ve stored and clean up
This door here, shit, I don’t want to open it. Am I worth being loved? Am I shit, useless, blissless, unmagical? Let me not open that door. I need a hug. Don’t hug me. I need to know who I am. Tell me who I am.
Don’t even tell me who I am.
I think I think I think I think
I know what I need
I know what to ask,
You, who I love
Are we the same?
Is your mind filled with these devils
These SCRATCHED records
Madness sadness and hint of gladness
Can, can I be less lonely?
Are you lonely too?
Do you go to dance and wonder why your legs don’t move
Do you go to put your arm on someone and, and, it just doesn’t work out
Does someone hug you and you recoil, even/even though all you want is to be hugged?
Is that you?
Maybe, maybe, we don’t have to be alone
Maybe, maybe
Maybe, maybe
The train has stopped, did I ever get on it. I was just running in the rain. Screaming at the big clouds, eclipse at noon on a Saturday.
Really more like 11
I didn’t say what I wanted to say
I didn’t say what I wanted to say
I didn’t say what I wanted to say
I didn’t say what I wanted to say
on on
on on
we make our own way forwards
we have the choice to make our own way forwards